Guidance on the proper storage of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Information for our Customers As you are aware, CRHA is deeply committed to ensuring your safety and the safety of your home and as part of our ongoing commitment to your health and safety, we would like to offer some guidance on the proper storage of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). VOCs are commonly found in products such as paints, varnishes, and cleaning supplies, and can impact indoor air quality if not stored correctly.


Here are some tips for safely storing VOC-containing products:

Keep in Original Containers: Always store chemicals in their original containers with labels intact, and ensure lids are tightly sealed to prevent emissions.

Ventilation is Key: Store VOC-emitting products in well-ventilated areas. A detached shed, garage or external storage area can serve as a suitable storage space, reducing the risk of fumes accumulating in your living areas.

Minimize Quantities: Purchase only the amount of product you need for immediate use to limit the volume of stored VOCs.

Safety First: Keep all VOC-containing products out of reach of children and pets, and away from heat sources or direct sunlight which can increase the risk of fumes or combustion.

Dispose Properly: Proper disposal of unused or outdated VOC-containing products is crucial. Please adhere to local environmental regulations. For safe disposal locations and procedures, contact Cornwall Council or the Council of the Isles of Scilly.

By following these guidelines, you can help maintain a safer and healthier living environment. If you have any concerns or need further assistance, please contact CRHA on 01209 892000 or email