A tenant-led campaign presenting a positive image of social housing and its tenants challenging the stigma attached to social housing.



Social housing stigma is about:

a) drawing conclusions about someone because they live in social housing
b) conscious or unconscious negative, generalised and unfounded assumptions about the circumstances, behaviours and abilities of social housing tenants
c) considering social housing tenants to lack the capacity to input into decisions that affect them
d) treating where social housing tenants live to be inferior neighbourhoods
e) housing staff, contractors, the media and others treating tenants without respect and empathy or in ways that demonstrate a lack of trust
f) negative consequences for the lives of social housing tenants affecting their quality of life and life chances.Do you want to stop the stigma?  If so – become a member of the STOP SOCIAL HOUSING STIGMA campaign!

Anyone can become a member. Your FREE membership of the campaign offers you the opportunity to:

• show your solidarity with the campaign - joining a growing number of tenants, landlords and others who are becoming members
• receive quarterly bulletins about what the campaign is doing
• receive information/materials to help you campaign with us in your local area
• send us your positive stories of social housing tenants and how social housing has helped them as well as your social housing stigma stories
• attend and participate in our planned webinars about social housing stigma
• suggest other ideas about how membership of Stop Social Housing Stigma could benefit you. Please get in touch with us to let us know your views.

Become a member by completing the form on our website: contact SSHS on