1. Introduction
1.1 Cornwall Rural Housing Association (CRHA) believes that everyone has the right to live the way they wish provided they do not detract from the quality of life of others. This means being tolerant, accepting and respecting the needs and choices of other people.
1.2 CRHA recognises the right for tenants to enjoy the lifestyle of their choice, providing that they do not cause a nuisance to their neighbours and they do not cause damage to CRHA’s property.
2. Aims
2.1 CRHA aims to:
Provide good quality housing;
Respond appropriately to any issues that may undermine its work;
Situate its homes in peaceful and secure locations where people want to live.
2.2 CRHA aims to maintain this position by working with residents and other agencies to:
Take action to stop anti-social behaviour and harassment of any kind;
Respond to complaints quickly and in an efficient, sensitive and consistent manner;
Offer support to the victim and take action against those responsible.
3. Scope
3.1 This policy applies to anyone who has a right to live in a CRHA property, those living in any other property in the neighbourhood and anyone else lawfully in such property or in the locality, e.g. working or using local facilities.
4. Policy
4.1 Wherever possible, CRHA will encourage and help residents to solve their differences themselves. This is often the best way of solving a problem, as often people don’t realise they are causing a nuisance until it is pointed out to them.
4.2 However, we will get involved and work actively with residents to tackle the problem whenever anti-social behaviour or harassment is serious and persistent.
4.3 CRHA will work in partnership with police, local authorities and others to reduce the incidence and impact of anti-social behaviour.
5. What will CRHA do?
5.1 We will make it easy to report incidents, we will listen to and take all reports of anti-social behaviour seriously and deal with them promptly.
5.2 We will ensure confidentiality and get the victim’s agreement before either speaking to the person alleged to be causing the nuisance or harassment or contacting other agencies.
5.3 We will give advice and talk through the options for effective action with the victim.
5.4 We will carry out what we agree should be done and keep residents informed of progress.
6. What is Anti-Social Behaviour?
6.1 CRHA defines anti-social behaviour as:
Conduct which is capable of causing nuisance or annoyance to any person;
Conduct which uses or threatens to use housing accommodation owned by CRHA for an unlawful purpose.
6.2 Examples of anti-social behaviour could include:
Noise nuisance
Intimidation and harassment
The fouling of public areas
Allowing garden areas, parking bays, etc. to become untidy
Aggressive and threatening language and behaviour
Actual violence against people and property
Hate behaviour that targets members of identified groups because of their perceived differences
Using homes to sell drugs, or for other unlawful purposes.
6.3 Tenants of CRHA are responsible not only for their own behaviour but also for the behaviour of people who live with them or visit them.
7. Racial Harassment
7.1 Racial harassment is treated as a very serious issue by CRHA. We will take every possible step to eliminate it. Racist behaviour will not be tolerated and firm action will be taken against those involved or responsible for it.
7.2 Racial harassment can take the form of offensive or aggressive verbal remarks, physical violence or threats of violence towards people or their homes because of their race, ethnic origin or colour.
7.3 A racist incident is any incident that the victim or any other person believes to be racially motivated.
8. Domestic Violence
8.1 Domestic violence committed by a resident, a visitor or family member in social housing falls within CRHA’s definition of anti-social behaviour and will be treated very seriously.
9. How to Make a Complaint
9.1 If it has not been possible for the resident to resolve a problem themselves, a complaint about anti-social behaviour may be made to CRHA in person, in writing or over the telephone.
9.2 All complaints will be dealt with in confidence. CRHA will not act on anonymous complaints unless they relate to something that can be easily substantiated, e.g. an abandoned vehicle, dumping of waste etc.
9.3 CRHA will send an Anti-Social Behaviour Complaint Report Form to the complainant.
9.4 This policy will be supplemented by CRHA’s Anti-Social Behaviour Complaint’s Procedure.
10. Review
10.1 This policy will be reviewed every five years or when necessary.
February 2019