Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
1. Introduction
1.1 Cornwall Rural Housing Association (CRHA) is committed to promoting equality of opportunity and creating a working environment that is inclusive and free from discrimination or harassment. People Focus is one of our values and this policy confirms our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion in employment and service delivery.
2. Policy
2.1 Our People Focus and Integrity values means that we believe everyone has a right to be treated with dignity, fairness and respect, and we value the diversity and talents of all individuals.
2.2 CRHA values the diversity of all communities and we want our services, facilities and resources to be accessible, understanding and supporting the diverse needs of our customers.
2.3 CRHA recognises that our ability to meet these diverse needs is improved by having a diverse workforce which generally reflects the population we serve, and which has the skills and understanding to achieve our objectives.
2.4 CRHA is committed to valuing diversity in our workforce and creating an inclusive workplace.
2.5 CRHA has a commitment to be an organisation that:
- Develops services to achieve equality and diversity in all its activities;
- As a workforce generally reflecting the population;
- Understands how valuing diversity can improve our ability to deliver better services;
- Supports our partners and other stakeholders in the achievement of equality and diversity;
- Actively consults with different individuals and communities to ensure that services which are provided are responsive and reflect the diversity of need;
- As a people business, provides all colleagues with the training and development they need to enable them to achieve business priorities;
- Provides a supportive, open environment where all colleagues have the opportunity to reach their full potential and be the best that they can be;
- Listens to our customers and involves them in the development of services that recognise and value diversity; and
- Believes that both customers and colleagues have important roles to play in making this happen.
2.6 CRHA will also seek to apply it to work undertaken for us by external consultants and contractors.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 CRHA and its employees can be held responsible and liable for their actions where they discriminate. It is therefore the responsibility of the Leadership team to ensure that all colleagues know what is acceptable and expected of them as individuals and as employees of CRHA by making them aware of this policy and through arranging appropriate training.
4. Review
4.1 This policy will be reviewed every three years or more frequently if required.