How to pay your rent
Your rent is payable in advance on the Monday of the week in which it is due.
When you become one of our tenants, you will receive an Allpay card. This gives you a choice of how and where you can make payments to CRHA.
Allpay App
Download the app to pay quickly and easily. You will need your payment reference number.

you can use your Allpay card to make payment at any Post Office or any retail outlet displaying the Paypoint logo. After making a payment you will be issued with a receipt which you should keep in a safe place and check against the rent statements we send you each quarter.

Mobile Text
You can pay your rent by mobile SMS. Once you have registered for this service online at you will be able to make direct payments by debit or credit card simply by texting the amount you wish to pay.
Online Payments
You can pay your rent by debit or credit card online at Allpay
Pay your rent online
Telephone Payments
You can pay your rent by debit or credit card by telephoning 0330 041 6497. You will need to have your card to hand.
Direct Debit
Direct Debit is a quick and easy way to pay, direct from your bank or building society account. If you want to set up a direct debit please call our office on 01208 892000 for further details.
Internet banking
You can pay your rent via on-line banking. CAF Bank – Sort Code 40-52-40 Account no 00025669. Please make sure you quote your tenant reference number which can be found on your rent statement.
If you are not sure about any aspect of your rent or if you have any difficulties with payments, please contact the Association.